After we made dumplings everyone came over for the inducement party. We all showed Abby the funniest things we could think of to try and make her laugh her way into labor. We watched How I Met Your Mother, the Chappel Show, South Park, and various YouTube clips. We thought it worked, because it started her contracting, but alas… no luck.
The next day we all headed off to Waydaldo for what was probably our last trip there. We were lucky because the weather decided to cooperate and be nice for once. We headed out to The island and spent a nice day in the ocean and then at the free water park on the island.
Everything was really nice, but very busy, until we went to take one of the last ferries home. Apparently, some of the Naval or Coast Guard families had taken a day trip to the island and they shut down the dock for an hour or so while the families loaded all of their stuff onto the boats. It was really annoying because there was a steadily growing line of people waiting to get off the island, and the ferries can’t run after dark because they don’t have the technology.
Luckily, we were allowed to board a ferry after about an hour and we arrived back at Mokpo without any further incident.
After arriving, we said goodbye to Jason, Abby, and Chris Snell and headed off with Joe and Shanna to go grab something to eat and go see Chris Strugnell and his bulldog, Chubbs, at the waterfront where Mokpo was having it’s Mokpo Maritime Cultural Festival and Chubbs had been made the unofficial mascot of a local dog club for owners of big dogs. We were just hanging around and playing with the dogs when Chris told us they had asked him to be in a demonstration for police dogs in training. The club trains all sorts of dogs, and police dogs are one of them. Not long after, one of the people came and asked Cody, Shanna, and I if we wanted to be in the demonstration. After some trepidation, we said yes.
It turned out to be scary but pretty cool. After the dogs attacked us and but the attack gloves, we could try to fling them around all we wanted, and they wouldn’t let go until the trainers gave them their command to let go. It was definitely an experience I won’t forget.
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