Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Getting there!

So many things are going on now. I feel like there is so much time left, and yet it is flying by so quickly. I will be back home in Oregon and looking for a new job before I know it.

The main thing that is coming up this weekend is, of course, my wedding. I am excited and yet nervous at the same time, which is normal I suppose. Mostly, I am nervous to walk down an aisle by myself with a bunch of people watching me. I used to do acting in high school, so usually I could pretend I’m just acting, but this isn’t the same, I have to be the center of attention and people are going to watch me, expecting me to be pretty, smile, and not trip. That’s not exactly an easy task to accomplish when you are nervous. I only have two more things to do for the wedding, get my nails done, and practice my make-up some more before the big day. I’m excited, only four more days, and then on Monday we will go to Seoul to make it legal.

After getting married, Cody and I will probably be heading out to Jeju with Fallon and Chris the last week of this month. I’m excited because it’s supposed to be different from most of Korea, and is known as Korea’s Hawaii. There should be some interesting things to go see, but more on that later, if we go.

On August 6th we will be heading out to Thailand for six days, and we are both really looking forward to that. I am particularly excited to get a massage, try authentic Thai food, and take a Thai cooking course. Hopefully the weather is decent while we are there.
Finally, in August 22nd, we will be flying back to the states. I am so looking forward to it, and can’t even begin to name the things I want to do/buy.

In the next few days, I will try to blog about the things I will miss about Korea, and the things I can’t wait to get away from. I will even try to include pictures of some of these things.

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